Distorted Reflection

16 April 2007

Walk in the streets of Camden

Islington 18/03/07, 04:59PM, D70, lens Nikon 17-55mm F/2.8G, 31mm 1/80sec F/4.5 ISO 200.

I walked one Sunday on the streets of north London. There weren't a lot of people on this sunny day. Perhaps there was a football match !!


15 April 2007

End of the Day at Islington.

Islington 10/04/07, 07:37PM, D70, lens Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8G, 1/1000 sec F/2.8 ISO 200.

I took this picture in the evening last week. I found the colour of the sky unreal. I used a new lens. this is Sigma 70-200mm. It seems very interesting although heavy...
